
How To Get Create Table Script In Oracle Sql Developer

A VERY specific request this morning:

I want to generate scripts for all the tables available in schema.
I want to generate separate scripts for each table available in schema and each script must contains it's dependent objects like indexes for that table or if triggers are available the this must include in the script.
I am using SQL developer 4.0.12 version. I tried with export option but separate scripts are generating for index,triggers,tables etc.

To get this exact formatting, we're going to take advantage of a new option in the Data Modeler extension that's available in Oracle SQL Developer:

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler can now generate one file per table, with its dependent objects.
Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler can now generate one file per table, with its dependent objects.

Once you import the data dictionary, you have a lot of control over exactly how the DDL is generated – and we can generate it very quickly as it's now in the model instead of being queried/generated from the database.

Import the Data Dictionary

Do this, and walk the wizard.

This is a fancy way of saying, 'suck objects out of the database into my model'
This is a fancy way of saying, 'suck objects out of the database into my model'

If you need some pointers, here's a step-by-step post.

Generate the DDL

First, make sure you have the Physical Model open. This will ensure you get things like your storage parameters, triggers, etc.

Then, hit this button:

Give me the code!
Give me the code!

Make sure you have all of the objects selected, and then toggle the multiple files option. Then pick your output directory and go.

When you're done, you'll have something like this:

The generated files
The generated files

And if we open one of the table scripts:

            CREATE            TABLE            HR.BEER            (            BREWERY VARCHAR2            (            100            BYTE)            DEFAULT            'NOTBUD'            NOT            NULL            ,            CITY    VARCHAR2            (            100            BYTE)            ,            STATE   VARCHAR2            (            100            BYTE)            ,            COUNTRY VARCHAR2            (            100            BYTE)            ,            ID            NUMBER            NOT            NULL            )            ; COMMENT            ON            TABLE            HR.BEER            IS            'Breweries of the world'            ;   COMMENT            ON            COLUMN            HR.BEER.BREWERY            IS            'Company name, appears on beer labels, often not as funny as they think they are'            ;   COMMENT            ON            COLUMN            HR.BEER.CITY            IS            'Corporate HQ'            ;   COMMENT            ON            COLUMN            HR.BEER.STATE            IS            'State or Province Corporate HQ'            ;   COMMENT            ON            COLUMN            HR.BEER.COUNTRY            IS            'Corporate HQ'            ;   COMMENT            ON            COLUMN            HR.BEER.ID            IS            'Generated by Sequence'            ;            CREATE            INDEX            HR.INDEX1            ON            HR.BEER            (            STATE            ASC            )            ;            CREATE            INDEX            HR.BEER_COUNTRIES            ON            HR.BEER            (            COUNTRY            ASC            )            ;            CREATE            UNIQUE            INDEX            HR.BEER_PK            ON            HR.BEER            (            ID            ASC            )            ;            ALTER            TABLE            HR.BEER            ADD            CONSTRAINT            BEER_PK            PRIMARY            KEY            (            ID            )            ;

And there you go. As your database is updated, you can merge the updates into your model by using the compare feature.

How To Get Create Table Script In Oracle Sql Developer


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